The SME Challenge
The SME Challenge is a Training & Resource Platform to help SMEs Overcome whatever Challenges they are facing now and to grow to the next level.
It is currently running 4 challenges to help SMEs transform and grow:
- Grow Your Sales Challenge
- Grow Your Brand Challenge
- Peak Performance Challenge
- Go Digital Challenge
The above challenges include the following:
- Free Training pertaining to the Challenge you join
- Join a Community to support each other for the implementation
- Ongoing resources to help SMEs to transform
Website: https://www.smechallenge.org/

SME Centre@SCCCI (the Centre) is a collaboration between Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI). Our mission is to be the trusted business advisor who supports the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) develop capabilities for growth. The Centre provides general business advisory and capability services with practical and value-adding content. The Centre also leverages on our network of support to help SMEs grow, innovate, and transform.
Website: https://smecentre-sccci.sg/