SME Learning Portal

Enterprise Leadership for Transformation (ELT)

Enterprise Leadership for Transformation (ELT) is a one-year executive education programme that aims to help SME leaders strengthen their leadership skills and build critical business fundamentals and networks. This programme targets aspiring SMEs who are at the early stage of transformation and looking to move onto their next stage of growth.

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Ask Our Experts

A brand new Q&A (ie. Question and Answer) service platform which allows you to ask our professional experts any questions relating to a specific topic or business landscape in general.

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SME Development Series

Past Event

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Short Chat with the Boss

Episode 42, May 2024
International Cancer Specialists

Mr. Benjamin Tan, CEO & Executive Director of International Cancer Specialists (ICS), highlights the benefits gained from the SME Consulting Programme (SCP), where he collaborated with a team of SMU student consultants.

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Category: Video Clips
SME Column

Issue 41, Jul 2024
Unlocking hidden consumer insights: How AI can enhance video marketing strategies 

Every person’s voice is unique, which makes it difficult for researchers to analyse it. With artificial intelligence technology, we are able to use voice synthesis models and programme them in a way that makes comparison possible. Read more >> 

Category: SME Column

Issue 53, June 2024
From concept to clicks: A new digital marketplace emerges 

In this eBulletin, we share how Opncorp, a digital professional services marketplace, benefited from the practical solutions provided by student-consultants under the flagship SME Consulting Programme (SCP) of UOB-SMU AEI.

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Category: eBulletin
Applied Research

Multi-Year Development Study,

Web Report 1 (June 2016)

In March 2013, SPRING Singapore and the UOB-SMU Asian Enterprise Institute commissioned a Multi-year Talent Development Study - conducted by Hay Group and Singapore Management University - to track the progress and effectiveness of the various talent management programmes introduced by SPRING Singapore as well as to gain insights in year-on-year trends in talent attraction and engagement in SMEs.

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Category: Applied Research
Marketing Toolkit

The Marketing Toolkit is an online resource that aims to introduce and educate SMEs the fundamentals of marketing as well as provide self-help tips and templates for simple implementation.

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Category: Toolkit
SME Showcase

Issue 12, Jan 2024

A Toast to Transformation

In this edition of SME Showcase, we chronicle a business that has not only survived the ups and downs of the notoriously competitive industry, but has also thrived by leveraging change as a catalyst for innovation and expansion.

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Category: SME Showcase


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