Issue 23, Jan 2020 - 5 Common Ways to Deploy Marketing Automation

By Frieda Lee, Director


5 common ways to deploy Marketing Automation 

The world of e-commerce, is easier to utilize email marketing campaigns and drip feeding various promotional strategies towards bettering conversion rates for greater ROI. However in the world of B2B, it is a little harder to implement hyper-personalized ideas to end customers; who are businesses themselves. With B2B organizations, sales process begins when one gets a cold lead in hand and starts contacting them to deliver quotes and presentations. The marketing team is usually in charge of delivering marketing qualified leads, and the sales team is responsible for delivering sales conversions from these leads. Friction can often happen through the commonly heard statement: “Marketing gave me this lead and it is of not good quality”.  Hence for B2B organizations, the quality of lead itself needs to be addressed on all customer touchpoints which includes both online and offline sources. Once there is alignment between sales and marketing teams, marketing teams can then begin to do testing and personalization of marketing efforts. 


These are the 5 most common ways to deploy marketing technology. You’ll find that the quality of leads increase, and it also helps better conversion rates. 

A/B Testing: A/B testing helps marketing teams optimize the content of their messages. A/B testing accomplishes this by comparing the effectiveness of emails with small differences in email headers, copy, and branding. Some ways to deliver messaging is to compare Features driven copy, vs Benefits driven copy. Most commonly done by Search Engine Marketers and Web Content Developers, is to determine which Features vs Benefits driven message delivers the greatest conversion rates. 

Prioritization: It’s not about sending more emails, it’s about sending better emails. The better the quality of emails over time, the greater the open rate and readership rate on your internal database. Prioritization services allow marketing teams to ensure that they only send the most relevant marketing message to a customer, without sending too many.

Triggering: Triggering involves setting up on-site triggers that automatically deploy marketing messages based on a specific customer’s activity. Let’s say you are looking for commercial movers for companies new office space. You do a search and submit queries to a few competing service providers, having visited their websites and decided that they are reliable and trustworthy. One of those companies run a Google Display Network Remarketing campaign, or a Facebook Remarketing campaign and you see their advertisement for a money back guarantee if you respond today by calling them straight away and using a code. Setting up a series of triggers within the customer discovery journey can help you really maximize your conversion rates. 

Personalization: Personalization involves creating email messages and content tailored to an individual customer based on user-specific data. Consumers increasingly get bombarded with a slew of email messaging, and not all are interesting to us. Selective attention is only natural when going through tons of irrelevant email titles. To get over that selective attention, marketers need to segment layers over layers on their customer database to determine which products, services, price points, and messaging is mix is going to hit that sweet spot with their customer. 

Analytics & Reporting: In today’s world of Big Data, having easy access to data has never been more important. Analytics and reporting companies are making rich and deep data accessible to marketers, and not all need to be paid for. Learning the basics of Google Analytics and getting equipped with their certification will put you on the right path to all the basic metrics required for both “brochure” type websites and as well as e-commerce websites. Google is always upgrading their tools, so be sure to check your analytics console regularly for modules that are still in beta. Beyond that, SEO audit tools and social media monitoring tools are easy to deploy and provides deep insights into how customers are finding you, and talking about you. Mirroring the narratives seen in social media may provide you with some new ideas on how to message your next email blast. 

In ending off, why do marketers care about implementing marketing automation technologies? With the increasing cost of acquiring media, marketers just have to find new ways to tap into their current database. Milking the cow means we need to get more effective in all our rates: Click through rates, conversion rates, open rates, click rates, subscription rates, rate of returns, etc. As no two competing companies are alike, the most effective way to get above the other is to simply read your metrics, and test and test again.

 Source: Email Monday



About the writer: 

Writer, speaker, volunteer, and trainer, Ms. Frieda Lee is the Founder and Director of She has a growth mindset of driving revenue, headcounts and capabilities of teams, always with reasonableness and cohesiveness in mind.  Having run media companies across TV, OOH, online digitization, analytics, SEM, SEO, Web Deployment, CRM, she is passionate in educating business owners and students alike by speaking publicly to over 2,000+ business owners to date, and has had her articles published in renowned columns such as Marketing Magazine, TechinAsia, Entrepreneurial Digest and worked with fintech incubation in Singapore. Frieda runs her own digital agency while sitting on Temasek Polytechnic School of Business Board of Advisors and is a Consultant with SPRING assisting SMEs to rethink and train business owners and their teams on Customer Experience (CX) and Marketing Technology. With over 20 years of running teams within digital and media agencies internationally and locally, she is a driver of change and leads teams through thought leadership and innovating new pathways towards progressiveness. She is currently finalising the last chapters of her book.




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