
Spurring on Business Change For the Better

"There are leaders changing businesses simply because it is the right thing to do." - Chris Houston

The Ogilvy Millennials in Marketing Summit

When Ogilvy & Mather Chairman and CEO John Seifert meets with clients, there’s one thing he hears consistently: We want millennials.

How brands can keep consumers hooked on apps

Unless a brand owns a top app within an app store category, it is unlikely to gain traction among consumers.

The Relationship Between Purpose, Brand, and Culture

In this video blog, Chris Houston of Telosity talks about the symbiotic relationship and interplay between a business’s purpose, brand, and culture.

Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Your Creative Director?

AI is beginning to permeate every industry in one form or another.

Why Aren’t More Brands Targeting Over 50s?

There are few countries in the world where the population is not ageing, and this will fundamentally impact economies and life as we know it.

Introduction to Continuous Commerce™

E-commerce is a huge prize. It is the biggest growth business in all of marketing, now at $1 trillion globally and growing at 17%.

Who Can We Trust In 2017?

Across the world there has been a profound decline in trust. What does this mean for business?

The Rise of Gen Z in the eCommerce Space

Millennials move over, Gen Z is here and ready to make their mark.