
The Man Behind 'The Big Apple'

Bill Phillips was walking to work from his Manhattan apartment, eating an apple, one spring morning in 1975.

Super Bowl 2019 - How Brands Approached Their Opportunity

Another year, another Super Bowl, another Patriots victory…and another year’s worth of Super Bowl ads to chew into.

CES 2019: The Brand and Consumer Takeaways

It’s mid-January, which means it’s time for every ad agency, technology company, data firm, and armchair blogger to write their recap of what happened at CES and what it means for…

The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs: Personal Data and the IoT

Since the UK’s vote on Brexit and the 2016 presidential election, the world has become increasingly agitated about the power and potential for abuse implicit in the vast global…

Digital Strategies To Amplify And Complement Your TV Campaign

Here are three bonus digital strategies to help make the most of your TV campaign while giving your online marketing a boost.

5 Principles for Owning Social Share-Of-Voice at an Event

Whatever your business, there’s an event or conference each year that everyone has circled on the calendar.

10 Tactics to Capture TV-Driven Demand

It would be awesome if people always followed the call to action in a TV ad.

Everything Is a Pattern

We are surrounded by patterns.

Converting the Digital Demand Driven by TV

For way too long, TV and digital marketers have separated themselves into two different worlds.

Carla Hendra Speaks About the New Wave of Digital Marketing

How much time users spent watching paid video ads.