
Online to Offline: Framework for Engagement

The average shopper now moves without hesitation across contexts, media channels, platforms, and devices. As a result, the lines between online and offline have become…

It’s Not About TV Versus Online. That’s Missing The Point

There is nothing out there that can replace the massive power that television can wield.

The Digital Age of Branding: Leading with Purpose

As the digital age continues to refine brand engagement, there is increasing opportunity for brands to identify new markets and serve them as never before.

How Not To Shoot Yourself In The Foot With Advertising

Peculiar thing happened a number of years ago. Two of our major banks simultaneously ran advertising that made them worse off.

Why Business Leaders Must Learn the Art of Embroidery

Next door to Paul Bishop’s biweekly class, which outlined the finer points of corporate finance to an overflow crowd, I gathered with a small group of second year students in my…

Engaging Customers With The Internet Of Things

Recently, Apple was granted a patent for a smart wearable device variously referred to by the tech giant as iWatch or iTime.

What Brands Can Learn From A Queen

From jingle to franchise, and endorsement to PR – The Queen of England does branding very well, and commercial brands should take note.

Why Recognition Matters on the New Frontier of Brand

The emails went back and forth between the senior executives and the brand advisors. “We need a catchier phrase,” lamented one. “All the other units have one,” complained another…

The (Ice) Bucket List

The Ice-Bucket Challenge. More than two million videos splashed across Facebook. A cool $22.9 million raised for the ALS Association between July 29 and today, compared with $1.9…

Leveraging data into social ROI

We spend so much time talking about “big data”, but there is still often a considerable disconnect between what we think that means and the business-critical results that data can…