
Oculus Vr Now Belongs to Facebook

Once again, Facebook has found itself at the centre of a tech controversy. This week it is due to Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to acquire Oculus VR, the company behind the…

The Snapchat saga continues

We just can’t seem to stop talking about Snapchat these days. First there was the security breach at the start of the year, which saw millions of user names and contact details…

Social Measurement

But can social data yield measurements that are comparable to those from other, more established forms of research?

Is Content the New Currency?

Between the endless Euro drama and the Bitcoin brouhaha, currency has been much in the news of late.

Are you Digitally Normal?

According to new research released this month by Mindshare, Singapore and China are among the countries leading the global league tables when it comes to online motivations.

Fast Consumers and Smart Brands

Research from 32 cities around the world has revealed that people are, on average, walking 10% faster than they did just 12 years ago.

Data Collecting Helps Brands Target Buyers

Google and Facebook are collecting and analysing data of its users, and advertising giants Publicis and Omnicom have merged to do more of that collecting and analysing.

The New Savvy Shopper

They go by the name Digital Divas, and for good reason: Among those women who are shopping online, Digital Divas are easily the savviest, posting, texting and tweeting their way…

5 Common SEO mistakes and how to avoid them

With the number of updates Google and the other search engines make to their algorithms

Measuring social marketing ROI

Did you know... measuring social marketing ROI is the leading challenge for marketers?