
Storytelling isn’t just for brands

Storytelling is the topic of the times in the advertising and marketing industry, and for good reason. There’s extensive research that suggests humans are hardwired to organize…

Beware the Digital Disconnect

“We are like puzzle pieces who are perfectly suited to make a giant picture together, but we are assembling ourselves in the dark.” Vironika Tugaleva

The Cyber Age of Moodvertising

Academics at the University of Lincoln in the United Kingdom have unveiled a fascinating project. They’ve created what’s being called a “social media garden”. The mood-modulated…

Selling to China? Do something different

Opportunities abound for both small, hungry entrepreneurs and large, growing big businesses. If I gave you all the money and approvals you needed to start on your own, what…

Beyond Advertising

The world is changing fast. You’ve probably heard that phrase so often that it’s just a bunch of word-shaped noise for you, indistinguishable from the general roar of the…

5 things Zuckerberg recommends you do

The Facebook F8 conference was last held in 2011, when new products such as Pages and Timeline were being introduced as a means to strengthen Facebook’s offering to businesses.…

Digital Marketing - how to use it to sell more

Pervasive technology is dramatically challenging our understanding of marketing. In 2020 there will be 50 billion devices connected to the internet. And this trend is not limited…

Lessons from the Chinese market traders

As Marketing gets more complex, marketers get further away from the frontline reality of selling goods and services. Agencies are sometimes the worst detractors, mischievously…

The secret to a Fab startup

“It’s a f**ing startup. Why are you here?” This is the title of a blog post by Fab co-founder Jason Goldberg, which he posted on Monday to address questions regarding the…

Facebook’s messaging monopoly continues

Over the next couple of weeks, users of the Facebook app will receive notifications stating that if they wish to continue using the Facebook Messenger service, they will need to…