Carla Hendra on Why Brand Matters

“Consulting is about designing solutions based on proven models and deep quantitative analysis – repeating what works and improving on it through technology solutions and efficiencies. Creative companies are about developing new ideas about markets, customers and brands – blank sheets of paper are our specialty.”

The above quote, by Carla Hendra, Chief Executive, Ogilvy Consulting, Worldwide, seems like it is describing two separate entities: consulting firms and creative agencies. Ogilvy Consulting, however, is the exception.

In an interview with, Hendra touches on what Ogilvy Consulting offers that the big consulting firms are unable to—despite their seemingly growing encroachment of creative agencies’ turf.

“Historically, management consultancies do not have expertise in customer or brand insight and knowledge, or indeed in the complex world of media and digital interactions – but want to convince business leaders that they can operationalize in a customer-centric growth environment.” Ogilvy’s vast creative network, then, gives Ogilvy Consulting a leg up the competition, pairing its digital and business transformation expertise with the crucial brand insights that drive toady’s customer-centricity.

To read the full interview and see why Hendra says “Experience counts. Culture counts. Brand counts.”, click here.